NEPM: National Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure 2011
Made by NEPC: 27 February 1998
Commenced: Clauses 1&2: 4 March 1998, Remaining clauses: 1 July 1998
Please contact the relevant jurisdictional agency regarding detailed implementation information for this NEPM. Decisions about the way in which NEPMs are implemented are made by each jurisdiction individually.
In June 2010, Ministers agreed to endorse the new Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) and approve the 2010 Minor Variation to the NEPM.
Late in 2010, administrative issues were identified with the registration of the 2005 and 2010 Minor Variations to the NEPM. In order to put the question of validity beyond any doubt the NEPM was re-made. The new NEPM has been drafted to be effective retrospectively and take all variations made to date into account.
Used Packaging NEPM Goal
To reduce environmental degradation arising from the disposal of used packaging and conserve virgin materials through the encouragement of re-use and recycling of used packaging materials by supporting and complementing the voluntary strategies in the Australian Packaging Covenant.
Desired Environmental Outcomes
To minimise the overall environmental impacts of packaging by pursuing the Covenant performance goals:
- Design: optimise packaging to use resources efficiently and reduce environmental impact without compromising product quality and safety.
- Recycling: efficiently collect and recycle packaging.
- Product Stewardship: demonstrate commitment by all signatories.