NEPM: National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination)Measure
Made by NEPC: 10 December 1999
Commenced: 22 December 1999
Amended (Varied): 11 April 2013
Registered: 15 May 2013
Please contact the relevant jurisdictional agency regarding detailed implementation information for this NEPM. Decisions about the way in which NEPMs are implemented are made by each jurisdiction individually.
What's currently happening
ASC NEPM Toolbox – Update April 2014
Frequently asked questions
ASC NEPM Frequently asked questions (PDF - 458.99 KB)
ASC NEPM Frequently asked questions (DOCX - 29 KB)
ERRATA - updated 30 April 2014
ASC NEPM errata (PDF - 326.71 KB)
ASC NEPM errata (DOCX - 25.14 KB)
6 February 2014
Schedule B4 figures 2 and 3 conceptual site models (PDF - 123.6 KB)
Schedule B4 figures 2 and 3 conceptual site models (DOCX - 142.96 KB)
The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 (the ASC NEPM) is made under the National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 (Cth) and is given effect by individual legislation and guidelines in each state and territory.
At its 11 April 2013, the National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) agreed to vary the NEPM by approving an amending instrument to the ASC NEPM.
The amendment of the ASC NEPM took effect in each jurisdiction on 16 May 2013, the day after it was registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI). The amendment includes repealing all the original schedules to the ASC NEPM and the substitution of new schedules. Implementation of the amended NEPM is the responsibility of each jurisdiction.
Transitional arrangements
Regulators in the states and territories of Australia have agreed, in principle, to a transition period of up to 12 months for full implementation of the amended ASC NEPM. The transition period allows for regulators to implement any legislative or administrative steps required to put the amendment into effect.
ASC NEPM Toolbox
Guidance documents and calculators are available to assist in implementing the ASC NEPM:
Assessment of Site Contamination NEPM Goal
To establish a nationally consistent approach to the assessment of site contamination to ensure sound environmental management practices by the community which includes regulators, site assessors, environmental auditors, landowners, developers and industry.
Desired Environmental Outcomes
To provide adequate protection of human health and the environment, where site contamination has occurred, through the development of an efficient and effective national approach to the assessment of site contamination.
Key documents
- Summary of Public Submissions and NEPC Response - development of the draft variation